The emphasis of our nationally and internationally recognised learning programs is on broadening and deepening participants’ understanding of their workplace challenges in real time and strengthening their capacity to take effective action to implement adaptive change.
All programs are designed from the ground up, based on a thorough exploration of participant and organisation context in partnership with the client.
Our orientation for our professional development programs is on transformation and experiential learning grounded in contemporary leadership thinking. Workplace application is assured through action learning projects and via a unique approach to on the job measurement by peers, staff and clients.
Our programs regularly, but not exclusively draw from the following conceptual lenses:
- Adaptive Leadership
- System psycho-dynamic
- Complex Adaptive Systems
- Harvard Case-in-point
- Community of Practice
- Peer Consulting
- Reflective Practices
Architecturally, our designs focus on building participants capacity to:
- See (self, others, the system, the challenge)
- Act (adaptive interventions)
- Learn (personal mastery)
- Collaborate (co-create, innovate and engage)
Peer Consulting for Leaders
A powerful method for building new and leveraging existing knowledge across a system, Peer Consulting, sometimes referred to as Peer Coaching is a structured method which can be introduced as a stand-alone offering or part of a wider cultural or leadership development or group coaching program. The process allows members to gain multiple perspectives and fresh thinking from their peers who are willing to help them solve a dilemma by practising a disciplined exercise of:
- Deep listening
- Reflecting and hypothesising without judgment and
- Brainstorming creative solutions
Peer Consulting offers a high return on investment for the organisation and the group’s members as it readily builds:
- High quality coaching and consulting capability
- High levels of interpersonal trust and robustness
- Shared insight into systemic patterns and issues within their organisation and leverage points
- Improved sense of confidence and efficacy to act
The process can become self-managed with a rotating convener or continue externally facilitated dependent on the goals of the client.